Associated Staff


Emma Reid is our Advanced Physiotherapist Practitioner (APP.) Emma specialises in musculoskeletal conditions (muscles, bones and joints).
An APP is able to do full assessments, diagnose, give expert advice on how to best manage your condition and refer for further treatment/investigations.
If you have a new issue relating to your muscles, bones or joints, Emma is available in Kirkcudbright on a Tuesday and Gatehouse on a Thursday.
An appointment can be made through reception.

Do you need help with a joint or muscle problem?
Is it interfering with your life or work?
Do you want to know how you can help yourself?
For advice and self care information you can visit : 
NHS Information

Also to phone MSK service 030 33 33 3001 for advice and an appointment can be arranged if necessary


Rachael Grieve provides midwifery services for our patients and runs the antenatal clinic.
Rachael can be contacted via reception or directly on 01557 332 009 or at Gatehouse Surgery 01557 814 437.

District Nurses

District nurses deal with patients in residential homes as well as giving advice and visiting housebound patients.
They can be contacted directly on 01557 331 941.

Health Visitor
Susan Briggs is the Health Visitor and can be contacted on 01557 332 009.

CTAC – Community Treatment and Care
CTAC offer appointments for blood tests, blood pressure, B12 injections, INR, ECG, stitch and staple removal and ear wash out.